Civil Mediation

Creating Agreements

What is civil mediation and
how does it work?

Civil mediation is an effective and efficient alternative to court.

Just like mediation for workplace and family issues, the mediator for civil disputes facilitates negotiations between disputing parties to reach a mediated settlement agreement, while maintaining neutrality and objectivity throughout the process. 

Civil mediation focuses on resolving disputes that are not family issues or conflict within a workplace

Civil mediation encapsulates all sorts of disputes and issues in various industries. These can range from:

  • partnership disagreements

  • contract issues

  • real estate concerns

  • inter-municipal disputes

  • union issues

  • and more

Whatever the dispute, civil mediation can help disagreeing parties negotiate a mediated settlement agreement between them.  

Men hive five at a board room. Success.

JRB Mediations

Are you struggling with a civil conflict?

JRB Mediations can help you resolve it without the need for court.
Let us free you from stress and empower you to move forward in life!



Resolving conflict for civil disputes

JRB Mediations helps businesses, organizations, and individuals find solutions to their non-family, non-workplace disputes quickly and cost effectively. Through our mediation services, we help those who want to:

  • negotiate agreement quickly

  • avoid high legal costs and potentially long court battles

  • maintain existing and future networks

  • retain decision-making and not leave it to a judge or arbitrator

We specialize in identifying core issues, facilitating negotiations, and assisting individuals overcome emotions and posturing typically associated with conflicts, and help parties reach agreement quickly.  

Let JRB Mediations free you from the stress of conflict and empower you to move forward to resolution and better things. Contact us for help with your civil dispute.

Civil dispute being resolved in a board room

What types of civil disputes can be resolved through mediation?

Some examples of when you would benefit from mediation for civil disputes include: 

  • Homeowner and condominium disputes (includes homeowner’s associations, condominium  boards,  and  property owners, community organizations)

  • Landlord-tenant disputes (issues around lease agreements, rent

  • Consumer disputes (disagreements between the consumer and a business)

  • Real estate and property issues (issues with realtors, partnerships, disputes between landowners and industry)

  • Construction disputes (issues between contractors and homeowners, builders and contractors etc.)

  • Agricultural issues (disputes with land renters, service providers, insurers, etc.)

  • Wills and estate disputes

  • Partnership and contract disputes 

  • Inter- Municipal disputes

  • Union issues

At JRB Mediations, we skillfully guide individuals through civil conflicts, providing the support.

"We become what we think… and that's the strangest secret."
— Earl Nightingale

JRB Mediations

Resolving Conflicts. Creating Agreements.

